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OsiSense XC Limit Switches

1 - 12 of 12 products
Limit switch, Limit switches XC Standard, XCR, thermoplastic spring return roller lever, 2X(1NC+NO) - Telemecanique Sensors - XCRB121
Limit switch, Limit switches XC Standard, XCR, thermoplastic spring return roller lever, 2X(1NC+NO) - Telemecanique Sensors - XCRB121
List Price £353.21 +VAT

Our Price £264.91 +VAT

Limit switch, Limit switches XC Standard, XCR, thermoplastic spring return roller lever, 2X(1NC+NO) - Telemecanique Sensors - XCRA121
Limit switch, Limit switches XC Standard, XCR, thermoplastic spring return roller lever, 2X(1NC+NO) - Telemecanique Sensors - XCRA121
List Price £351.78 +VAT

Our Price £263.84 +VAT

LIMIT SWITCH 240 VAC 10 AMP XCL + OPTIONS - Telemecanique Sensors - XCLJ767H29
LIMIT SWITCH 240 VAC 10 AMP XCL + OPTIONS - Telemecanique Sensors - XCLJ767H29
List Price £82.31 +VAT

Our Price £61.73 +VAT

LIMIT SWITCH XCLJ - red body steel - roller plunger- NC and NC slow contacts - Telemecanique Sensors - XCLJ567H29
LIMIT SWITCH XCLJ - red body steel - roller plunger- NC and NC slow contacts - Telemecanique Sensors - XCLJ567H29
List Price £77.39 +VAT

Our Price £58.04 +VAT

Limit switches XC Standard, limit switch 240 VAC 5 A plast XCMD - Telemecanique Sensors - XCMD2115L2
Limit switches XC Standard, limit switch 240 VAC 5 A plast XCMD - Telemecanique Sensors - XCMD2115L2
List Price £60.81 +VAT

Our Price £45.61 +VAT

LIMIT SWITCH XCLJ - red body steel - steel end plunger- NC and NC slow contacts - Telemecanique Sensors - XCLJ561H29
LIMIT SWITCH XCLJ - red body steel - steel end plunger- NC and NC slow contacts - Telemecanique Sensors - XCLJ561H29
List Price £96.62 +VAT

Our Price £72.47 +VAT

LIMIT SWITCH XCLJ - red body steel - roller plunger- NC and NC snap contacts - Telemecanique Sensors - XCLJ167
LIMIT SWITCH XCLJ - red body steel - roller plunger- NC and NC snap contacts - Telemecanique Sensors - XCLJ167
List Price £75.69 +VAT

Our Price £56.77 +VAT

LIMIT SWITCH PLASTIC NC AND NC - Telemecanique Sensors - XCMN2910S38
LIMIT SWITCH PLASTIC NC AND NC - Telemecanique Sensors - XCMN2910S38
List Price £52.73 +VAT

Our Price £39.55 +VAT

XCMN LIMIT SWITCH + OPTIONS - Telemecanique Sensors - XCMN2903L1
XCMN LIMIT SWITCH + OPTIONS - Telemecanique Sensors - XCMN2903L1
List Price £48.29 +VAT

Our Price £36.22 +VAT

XCMN LIMIT SWITCH + OPTIONS - Telemecanique Sensors - XCMN2902L1
XCMN LIMIT SWITCH + OPTIONS - Telemecanique Sensors - XCMN2902L1
List Price £45.29 +VAT

Our Price £33.97 +VAT

LIMIT SWITCH PLASTIC NO AND NC - Telemecanique Sensors - XCMN2110S38
LIMIT SWITCH PLASTIC NO AND NC - Telemecanique Sensors - XCMN2110S38
List Price £45.25 +VAT

Our Price £33.94 +VAT

LS ADJUSTABLE STEELEND PLUNGER - Telemecanique Sensors - XCMD2114C12
LS ADJUSTABLE STEELEND PLUNGER - Telemecanique Sensors - XCMD2114C12
List Price £106.42 +VAT

Our Price £79.82 +VAT