AJ Hurst - Our Story

Looking ahead to the future we always remember where we came from. This is our story.
Mark GoldsbroughDirector
1936 - 1970
The Early Years
Every story has a beginning and ours started in a small office in College Square Gardens, Belfast in 1936 when Mr. Alfred Hurst and his daughter began trading as an electrical wholesaler. Sadly in 1947 Mr. Hurst died and our grandfather Geoffrey Goldsbrough bought the business. Geoffrey was an auctioneer with little knowledge or experience of the electrical industry but that did not deter him. With his confident demeanor and enterprising skills, he embraced the challenge. Growing the business by acquiring new agencies including CA Parsons (turbine manufacturers), A Reyrolle & Co (industrial plugs and sockets). In 1958 Geoffrey’s son, also called Geoff joined the business from Farrans. Together with his father, they acquired some mechanical agencies to widen the product offering. Successful partnerships with Dorr Oliver (Sewage Treatment) and Weir Pumps led to lucrative contracts with the NI Water Service.