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Professional buildtime license, EcoStruxure Operator Terminal Expert, version 3.x, entity, 100 station, permanent, digital - Schneider Electric - HMIPELCZLEPAZZ
Professional buildtime license, EcoStruxure Operator Terminal Expert, version 3.x, entity, 100 station, permanent, digital - Schneider Electric - HMIPELCZLEPAZZ


Professional buildtime license, EcoStruxure Operator Terminal Expert, version 3.x, entity, 100 station, permanent, digital - Schneider Electric - HMIPELCZLEPAZZ


This software license belongs to the EcoStruxure Operator Terminal Expert range, Schneider Electric's HMI configuration software offer. This software supports gestures and intuitive user interface designs for Harmony HMI range. The EcoStruxure Operator Terminal Expert intuitive configuration software enables to create and edit HMI Runtime application screens that control automation systems in Harmony HMIs and iPCs. HMIPELCZLEPAZZ professional Buildtime entity license can be installed on 100 stations and is available as a digital license. This software features a modern and simple-to-use user interface, easy-to-access functions and information, along with a multi-platform working environment. It supports key features like runtime navigation, themes and color set, layout objects (dock panel), web viewer to visualize and operate remotely, and web server API. The screen is available in 9 languages (English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Traditional & Simplified Chinese, Korean), documentation in electronic format in 6 languages (English, French, German, Italian, Chinese, Korean). It is intended for OEM building simple machines and Automation Panel Builder applications for Food & Beverage, Packaging, Textile, Compressor/Pump/Fan, HVAC equipment, Marine and WWW. It is compatible with Harmony GTU/GTO/STO7/ST6/STM6, Harmony iPCs and other PCs. Scripting is made easy for everyone with the graphical drag and drop editor and thus reducing the time to market.
List Price £3,444.00 +VAT

Our Price £2,927.40 +VAT

SAVE 15% OFF List Price
Estimated delivery between 7-10 working days


Schneider Electric
EcoStruxure™ Operator Terminal Expert
Part No
Weight (kg)
0.00 kg

Datasheet for HMIPELCZLEPAZZ - Professional buildtime license, EcoStruxure Operator Terminal Expert, version 3.x, entity, 100 station, permanent, digital - Schneider Electric - HMIPELCZLEPAZZ

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