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Push buttons, Switches, E-Stops and Pilot Lights

22mm Pushbuttons, switches, pilot lights Pilot devices such as Pilot lights and pushbuttons are designed to facilitates communication in both directions – flow of information from human to machine (mechanism of on and off), and machine to the human (indicating the current operational status of the machine). Pushbuttons, pilot lights, panel switches, as well as different types of toggles are utilised for indicating lights and signals, and have applications in various verticals – residential, commercial as well as industrial segments.
30mm Pushbuttons, switches, pilot lights We offer a wide portfolio of commercial and industrial push buttons, pilot lights and switches. Push buttons and pilot lights are designed for industrial applications. Whether they are installed in panels or control desks, the push button and pilot lights present attractive and ergonomic designs, which makes them the ideal control circuits’ solution. You will also find a range of premium accessories including enclosures and protective devices that offer superior performance. Explore our range of push buttons and pilot lights that suits practically any industrial or commercial application.
Industrial Wireless Remote Control Our industrial wireless remote control offers are designed for intuitive and safe operation. Using 2.4 GHz license-free radio frequency, it is suitable for worldwide deployment. The flexibility and ergonomic design of the remote control contribute to improved productivity. With its operator mobility, the radio remote devices give complete freedom in hoisting and material handling applications
Rotary Cam Switches Our Joy Stick Controllers are available in 3 ranges for operating a machine in 4 different directions in a cabin. One of our most popular types of joy controllers is Harmony K, available for light-duty application (lightweight and compact), medium-duty application (fully configurable and compact) and heavy-duty application (extremely robust and compact).
Safety Switches, Foot Switches & Access Control A typical form of enclosed switch is a safety switch. In general, safety switches are employed for two purposes- for deactivating a service entry and as a motor disconnecting device and fault protection. However, safety switches can be used in a number of applications, ranging from industrial to commercial use. Schneider Electric offers various types of safety switches such as pushbuttons and mushroom heads, selector switches and key switches, illuminated pushbuttons and pilot lights with LED and more.